I just started checking out your podcast a month or so back, starting from podcast #1. I am still listening to casts you put up in 2017, so I am not sure if you have ever did a deep dive on the _Chromosome 2_ controversy.

I have have had little luck digging up much else other than a few papers at ICR. I get this one thrown at me repeatedly by a couple of evolutionists, probably because I don't have much of an informed opinion on the matter. So it seems to have become their go to argument when our paths cross.

Although I get a little lost in the scientific jargon used to explain the Chromosome 2 issue, because evolutionists often seem to start from a position of assuming evolution is a proven truth, they conclude that the apparent fused chromosome 2 is evidence of man having evolved from primates. But even if it was agreed upon that Chromosome 2 is indeed a fused chromosome, it seems to me the conclusion drawn is an absolute leap of faith, concluding that the fusion which apparently occurred in a distant primate relative is what resulted in evolved man.

But of the few papers I found on the issue, the most recent one by Jeffery Tomkins, seemed to deny the likelihood of Chromosome 2 being a fused chromosome at all.

I wonder if you are in the know on this issue and can distill things down a little more?

**I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears**

_Psalms 34:4_

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Can you point me in the direction of the highest level debate/discussion you've seen between Young Earth and Old Earth models based on scripture and science?

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